Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Welcome to the Alive Student Ministry! We Hope that you will come stop by and join us for one of our gatherings soon! We have a goal of reaching this generation for Christ and helping teens who know the Lord to grow in Him more. We have youth workers who will welcome you and will be excited to cultivate an atmosphere of love for the Lord, passion to learn His Word, and a determination for true growth. In a world full of confusion for our generation, we hope and pray to be a safe place where Christ-filled love abounds and the Word of God is the pillar of truth.

Service Times
Sunday LifeGroups @ 9:00 AM
Alive Student Ministry meets in the youth room in Building B. During this time, we have fellowship, worship, and a lesson given from God’s Word.
Wednesday Bible Studies @ 6:30 PM
Alive Student Ministry meets in the youth room in Building B. There is a time of fellowship, games, small groups, and a Bible lesson.
Alive Night
Last Wednesday of every month @ 6:30 PM
On the last Wednesday of every month is a special “Alive Night”. Alive Nights consist of delicious food, fun games, and a lesson time.